A story is
told of when Gen. George C. Marshall took command of the Infantry School at
Fort Benning, GA. He found the post in a generally run-down condition. Rather
than issue orders for specific improvements, he simply got out his own
paintbrushes, lawn equipment, etc., and went to work on his personal quarters.
The other officers and men, first on his block, then throughout the post, did
the same thing, and Fort Benning was brightened up.
While no one
would argue that leadership by example is the best way to lead, unfortunately,
we have plenty of leaders who do not. I know the frustration of working with
such leaders and the challenges associated with it. It can make life miserable.
of where your leadership role places you in your organizational structure there
are lessons to be learned from bad examples. An article in Inc. magazine (http://on.inc.com/1p5c4Bj) highlighted some common bad boss behaviors. Here are a few
of the findings from the Harris poll: My boss doesn’t talk about my life
outside of work, my boss won’t talk on the phone (or in person), my boss
doesn’t know my name, my boss takes credit for other’s ideas, and they don’t
give clear directions.
Can you
identify with any of the cited behaviors? What would you add to the list?
Regardless, here is a hard truth I learned some time ago- either change your
attitude or change your address. I know that can be a tough pill to swallow
especially if you feel trapped without a good viable option. It can be
demoralizing. So what is a leader like you
to do when your leader sets a good bad example?
Be the example your leader is not
Instead of
wasting time focusing on everything that is wrong with the leader in your
organization that sets a bad example, make it your priority to do what is
right. You are only responsible for your actions, attitudes, and behaviors. What
expectations do you have for the leader(s) in your organization? Model it. The
best leader is the one who knows how to lead himself.
Be part of the solution
The path of
least resistance in your organization is to sing along with the chorus of
complainers. It requires little. But if you are going to emerge as a leader
worthy of respect then take the high road and be part of the solution. It’s
easy to find fault. A leader will seek to find solutions. In the end, your
leader who is a bad example may continue to be a bad example, but at least you
will have a clear conscience that you did the right thing.
Be understanding of their plight
is hard. John Maxwell was right when he observed, “It’s lonely at the top so
you better know why you are there.” Sometimes we judge the actions and/or
behaviors of leaders in our organizations with limited information. Do we
really know the whole story or are we simply listening to the latest gossip
going around the office? With hard work and determination one day it very well
could be you in that position so be careful to not let bad karma come back and
bite you. Be understanding and reserve judgment. Your leader is human just like
you and you may not know the personal struggles that he or she is going
Be intentional about your growth
As a
developing leader it is important to be intentional about your growth. From bad
leaders in my past I’ve learned valuable lessons that served me well later in
life. Uppermost I learned how not to
treat people. Your time around a good bad example may not serve any other
purpose than that, but learn it. Be observant. Take notice of the good bad
examples and their leadership styles and the effects it has on the
organization. We’d all rather be around
good leaders who set good examples. But even a bad example can teach you
leadership skills. Pay attention.
Brian Tracy
said, “Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if
you had no title or position.” That is a goal worthy of emulating. Be the
leader people want to follow; not the
one they have to follow. Be a good
© 2016 Doug
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